Local Void: Other Entities

Other entities


This page is about creatures/entities that exist
within the system but do not post or message.

Angel (he/it) Albino teddy bear hamster syspet, was Vexxi's pet in her timeline

The Brainbox/the TARDIS (it/she/any) The semi-sentient manifestation of our system's internal processes/headspace. It takes the form of the TARDIS from Doctor Who and our Doctor fictive is in a relationship with it like he is with the TARDIS in canon (which they consider both objectum and autoromantic).

Gregory (he/it) Manul, behaves like a pet cat.

Luna (it/they) White rat that belongs to Strangelove.

Mushroom (it/they) Opossum that belongs to Venn.

Omen (it/they) Black rat that belongs to Stigmata.

Spaghetti (he/it) Brown rat that belongs to Copia.

Whimsy (he/it) Pig made of void energy, Marble's pet in their timeline that House made for them