He is interested in studying languages and cultures (even though, unlike some members of the system, he is not descended from any Earth cultures due to being an alien).
He is more interested in our "nerdier" interests (e.g. paleontology or astronomy) than paganism or anything we do relating to goth or metal, although he is very fond of new wave and enjoys when we go to karaoke.
Due to being a holder for a significant trauma that happened to us relatively later in life, Venn displays enough symptoms for a BPD diagnosis when most of the members of the system, including the original host, do not. He hosts a subsystem called Cherry Dreams, whose members hold and manage some of the BPD symptoms.
☆ BPD holder
☆ F/O fictive
☆ Host
☆ Identity holder (addict + femme gay man)
☆ Kink alter
☆ Subsystem host
☆ Symptom holder (addiction + intrusive thoughts)
☆ Translator
☆ Trauma holder
☆ Cenelian
☆ Demiboy
☆ Diamoric
☆ Femme
☆ Grayrose
☆ Neutric (neutrois-loving-neutrois)
☆ Neutrois
☆ Stellian (mspec gay)
☆ Toric (nb-loving-men)
☆ Turian (gay man)
☆ Australian shepherds
☆ Bioluminescent fungi
☆ Danny (Withnail and I)
☆ Glow in the dark stars
☆ Nuclear waste
☆ Opossums
☆ Stars
☆ Rats
☆ Rick Blaine (Casablanca)
☆ Sarah Lynn (BoJack Horseman)
☆ Succubi
☆ Thomas Jerome Newton (The Man Who Fell To Earth)
☆ Kink
☆ Mushrooms
☆ Plushes
☆ Rats
☆ Science
☆ Self-shipping
☆ Space
☆ Substances
Favorite media/music
☆ BoJack Horseman
☆ Casablanca
☆ Depeche Mode
☆ Doctor Who
☆ Hitchhiker's Guide
☆ Lemon Demon
☆ Mouthwashing
☆ Oingo Boingo
☆ The Room
☆ Sanrio
☆ The Shining
☆ Sparks
☆ They Might Be Giants
☆ Windows 96/vaporwave
☆ Withnail and I
☆ throwing bottles at god
☆ Venn Personal Radio
☆ welcome to my breakdown
☆ Darjeeling
☆ Lavender
☆ Nil
☆ Vanilla
☆ Venn
☆ ey/em/eir/eirs/emself
☆ vi/vir/virs/virself
☆ rat/rats/ratself
Xenogender themes
☆ Kink
☆ Opossums
☆ Rainbows
☆ Rats
☆ Stars/space
☆ Succubi
☆ Gender
☆ Intox
☆ Petplay
Relationships (in-system)
☆ The Doctor (queerplatonic)
☆ Heidrun (owner/pet)
☆ Quivok (queerplatonic)
☆ Vyvian (romantic/queerplatonic)
Relationships (external)
☆ Mud (Plural Programming, platonic)
☆ Nail (Corruption System, queerplatonic)
Relationships (objectum)
☆ Daisuke (Mouthwashing, platonic)
☆ The Doctor (Doctor Who, all versions)
☆ Norman Bates (Psycho)
☆ Vyvian Withnail (Withnail and I, one-sided romantic)
☆ There is systemwide debate about Venn's origins. Either Vyvian created him accidentally through visualization while self-shipping, he split influenced by self-shipping but not created per se, or he is an actual gift from the Void. Some of us hold more than one view at once.
☆ Among the first alters present when the system came out of dormancy in 2023.
☆ Was the first member of our system to whom Nail (Corruption System) declared a formal relationship.
☆ He and Vyvian are in a relationship that they consider both romantic and queerplatonic. They were married on January 3, 2025.
☆ The translator role has to do with when other alters speak languages other than English. When we provide English translations at the end of our sentences in other languages, Venn is the one to write the translation.
Age regression notes
☆ Regression usually is voluntary, for fun, and a positive experience.
☆ Please do not discuss kink, true crime, or extreme horror with them while they are regressed. Talking about such topics to other alters who are fronting but not addressing Venn is okay.
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